Army Rising
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Recordings and handouts from a 12-week online course in the Book of Revelation (Jan-Mar 24)
Week 1
Introduction to the Book (Rev. 1)
Week 5
The True Nature of Sin (Rev. 8-9)
Week 9
Atonement and Preparation (Rev. 15-16)
Week 2
Empowered to Remain Faithful (Rev. 2-3)
Week 6
God's Ancient Promises Fulfilled (Rev. 10-11)
Week 10
The Mystery of Babylon (Rev. 17-18)
Week 3
Heaven and Earth United (Rev. 4-5)
Week 7
Endurance Through Persecution (Rev. 12-13:10)
Week 11
The Lamb's Ultimate Victory (Rev. 19-20)
Week 4
Great Tribulation on the Earth (Rev. 6-7)
Week 8
The Battle for Worship (Rev. 13:11-14:20)
Week 12
God Dwells With His People (Rev. 21-22)
Why On Earth Israel?
Chapter 4: The Hidden Path
Chapter 3: From America to... Reading?
Chapter 2: From Israel to America
Chapter 1: From Brighton to Israel
Heavenly Handbook (Printed Booklet)
Heavenly Handbook (PDF Download)
Songs of the Watchmen - Chord Sheets
Songs of the Watchmen - Lyric Sheets
A Thousand Years - Chords & Lyrics